Combining Hugging Face datasets with dask

Using 🤗 datasets in combination with dask

Daniel van Strien


June 20, 2022

Hugging Face datasets is a super useful library for loading, processing and sharing datasets with other people.

For many pre-processing steps it works beautifully. The one area where it can be a bit trickier to use is for EDA style analysis. This column-wise EDA is often important as an early step in working with some data or for preparing a data card.

Fortunately combining datasets and another data library, dask works pretty smoothly. This isn’t intended to be a full intro to either datasets or dask but hopefully gives you a sense of how both libaries work and how they can complement each other.

First, make sure we have the required libraries. Rich is there for a little added visual flair ✨

!pip install datasets toolz rich[jupyter] dask
%load_ext rich

Load some data

For this example we will use a the blbooksgenre dataset that contains metadata about some digitised books from the British Library. This collection also includes some annotations for the genre of the book which we could use to train a machine learning model.

We can load a dataset hosted on the Hugging Face hub by using the load_dataset function.

from datasets import load_dataset
ds = load_dataset("blbooksgenre", "annotated_raw", split="train")
Reusing dataset bl_books_genre (/Users/dvanstrien/.cache/huggingface/datasets/bl_books_genre/annotated_raw/1.1.0/1e01f82403b3d9344121c3b81e5ad7c130338b250bf95dad4c6ab342c642dbe8)

Since we requested only the train split we get back a Dataset

    features: ['BL record ID', 'Name', 'Dates associated with name', 'Type of name', 'Role', 'All names', 'Title', 'Variant titles', 'Series title', 'Number within series', 'Country of publication', 'Place of publication', 'Publisher', 'Date of publication', 'Edition', 'Physical description', 'Dewey classification', 'BL shelfmark', 'Topics', 'Genre', 'Languages', 'Notes', 'BL record ID for physical resource', 'classification_id', 'user_id', 'subject_ids', 'annotator_date_pub', 'annotator_normalised_date_pub', 'annotator_edition_statement', 'annotator_FAST_genre_terms', 'annotator_FAST_subject_terms', 'annotator_comments', 'annotator_main_language', 'annotator_other_languages_summaries', 'annotator_summaries_language', 'annotator_translation', 'annotator_original_language', 'annotator_publisher', 'annotator_place_pub', 'annotator_country', 'annotator_title', 'Link to digitised book', 'annotated', 'Type of resource', 'created_at', 'annotator_genre'],
    num_rows: 4398

We can see this has a bunch of columns. One that is of interest is the Data of publication column. Since we could use this dataset to train some type of classifier we may want to check whether we have enough examples across different time periods in the dataset.

ds[0]["Date of publication"]

Using toolz to calculate frequencies for a column

One quick way we can get the frequency count for a column is using the wonderful toolz library

If our data fits in memory, we can simply pass in a column containing a categorical value to a frequency function to get a frequency count.

from toolz import frequencies, topk
dates = ds["Date of publication"]
# collapse_hide

    '1879': 99,
    '1774': 5,
    '1765': 5,
    '1877': 69,
    '1893': 222,
    '1891': 148,
    '1827': 29,
    '1868': 42,
    '1878': 72,
    '1895': 189,
    '1897': 120,
    '1899': 104,
    '1896': 174,
    '1876': 48,
    '1812': 13,
    '1799': 8,
    '1830': 32,
    '1870': 42,
    '1894': 155,
    '1864': 28,
    '1855': 42,
    '1871': 42,
    '1836': 37,
    '1883': 51,
    '1880': 111,
    '1884': 69,
    '1822': 16,
    '1856': 38,
    '1872': 42,
    '1875': 57,
    '1844': 35,
    '1890': 134,
    '1886': 43,
    '1840': 15,
    '1888': 109,
    '1858': 43,
    '1867': 53,
    '1826': 24,
    '1800': 3,
    '1851': 43,
    '1838': 14,
    '1824': 20,
    '1887': 58,
    '1874': 42,
    '1857': 44,
    '1873': 34,
    '1837': 16,
    '1846': 32,
    '1881': 55,
    '1898': 104,
    '1906': 4,
    '1892': 134,
    '1869': 25,
    '1885': 69,
    '1882': 71,
    '1863': 55,
    '1865': 53,
    '1635': 3,
    '1859': 39,
    '1818': 17,
    '1845': 28,
    '1852': 43,
    '1841': 23,
    '1842': 29,
    '1848': 28,
    '1828': 23,
    '1850': 38,
    '1860': 45,
    '1889': 140,
    '1815': 5,
    '1861': 28,
    '1814': 13,
    '1843': 28,
    '1817': 12,
    '1819': 16,
    '1853': 34,
    '1833': 5,
    '1854': 36,
    '1839': 33,
    '1803': 7,
    '1835': 14,
    '1813': 8,
    '1695': 4,
    '1809-1811': 5,
    '1832': 9,
    '1823': 17,
    '1847': 28,
    '1816': 8,
    '1806': 5,
    '1866': 26,
    '1829': 13,
    '1791': 5,
    '1637': 5,
    '1821': 4,
    '1807': 14,
    '1862': 22,
    '1795': 5,
    '1834': 12,
    '1831': 10,
    '1849': 13,
    '1811': 1,
    '1825': 1,
    '1809': 3,
    '1905': 1,
    '1808': 1,
    '1900': 5,
    '1892-1912': 1,
    '1804': 4,
    '1769': 5,
    '1910': 1,
    '1805': 5,
    '1802': 3,
    '1871-': 1,
    '1901': 5,
    '1884-1909': 1,
    '1873-1887': 1,
    '1979': 1,
    '1852-1941': 1,
    '1903': 1,
    '1871-1873': 1,
    '1810': 3,
    '1907': 1,
    '1820': 5,
    '1789': 5

Make it parallel!

If our data doesn’t fit in memory or we want to do things in parallel we might want to use a slightly different approach. This is where dask can play a role.

Dask offers a number of different collection abstractions that make it easier to do things in parallel. This includes dask bag.

First we’ll create a dask client here, I won’t dig into the details of this here but you can get a good overview in the getting started pages.

from distributed import Client
client = Client()

Since we don’t want to load all of our data into memory we can great a generator that will yield one row at a time. In this case we’ll start by exploring the Title column

def yield_titles():
    for row in ds:
        yield row["Title"]

We can see that this returns a generator

<generator object yield_titles at 0x7ffc28fdc040>
'The Canadian farmer. A missionary incident [Signed: W. J. H. Y, i.e. William J. H. Yates.]'

We can store this in a titles variable.

titles = yield_titles()

We’ll now import dask bag.

import dask.bag as db

We can create a dask bag object using the from_sequence method.

bag = db.from_sequence(titles)
dask.bag<from_sequence, npartitions=1>

We can look at an example using the take method


dask bag has a bunch of handy methods for processing data (some of these we could also do in 🤗 datasets but others are not available as specific methods in datasets).

For example we can make sure we only have unique titles using the distinct method.

unique_titles = bag.distinct()
    'The Canadian farmer. A missionary incident [Signed: W. J. H. Y, i.e. William J. H. Yates.]',
    'A new musical Interlude, called the Election [By M. P. Andrews.]',
    'An Elegy written among the ruins of an Abbey. By the author of the Nun [E. Jerningham]',
    "The Baron's Daughter. A ballad by the author of Poetical Recreations [i.e. William C. Hazlitt] . F.P"

Similar to 🤗 datasets we have a map method that we can use to apply a function to all of our examples. In this case we split the title text into individual words.

title_words_split = x: x.split(" "))

We can see we now have all our words in a list. Helpfully dask bag has a flatten method. This will consume our lists and put all the words in a single sequence.

flattend_title_words = title_words_split.flatten()
('The', 'Canadian')

We could now use the frequencies method to get the top words.

freqs = flattend_title_words.frequencies(sort=True)
dask.bag<sorted, npartitions=1>

Since dask bag methods are lazy by default nothing has actually been calculated yet. We could just grab the top 10 words.

top_10_words = freqs.topk(10, key=1)

If we want the results of something we call compute which will call all of the chained methods on our bag.

    ('of', 808),
    ('the', 674),
    ('and', 550),
    ('...', 518),
    ('in', 402),
    ('van', 306),
    ('etc', 301),
    ('de', 258),
    ('en', 258),
    ('a', 231)

We could also do the same with lowered version

lowered_title_words = x: x.lower())
freqs = lowered_title_words.frequencies(sort=True)

The visualize method gives you some insights into how the computation is managed by dask.

freqs.visualize(engine="cytoscape", optimize_graph=True)

Moving from datasets to a dask dataframe

For some operations, dask bag is super easy to use. Sometimes though you will hurt your brain trying to crow bar your problem into the dask bag API 😵‍💫 This is where dask dataframes come in! Using parquet, we can easily save our 🤗 dataset as a parquet file.

import dask.dataframe as dd

and load from this file

ddf = dd.read_parquet("genre.parquet")

As dask dataframe works quite similar to a pandas dataframe. It is lazy by default so if we just print it out

Dask DataFrame Structure:
BL record ID Name Dates associated with name Type of name Role All names Title Variant titles Series title Number within series Country of publication Place of publication Publisher Date of publication Edition Physical description Dewey classification BL shelfmark Topics Genre Languages Notes BL record ID for physical resource classification_id user_id subject_ids annotator_date_pub annotator_normalised_date_pub annotator_edition_statement annotator_FAST_genre_terms annotator_FAST_subject_terms annotator_comments annotator_main_language annotator_other_languages_summaries annotator_summaries_language annotator_translation annotator_original_language annotator_publisher annotator_place_pub annotator_country annotator_title Link to digitised book annotated Type of resource created_at annotator_genre
object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object bool int64 datetime64[ns] int64
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Dask Name: read-parquet, 1 tasks

You’ll see we don’t actually get back any data. If we use head we get the number of examples we ask for.

BL record ID Name Dates associated with name Type of name Role All names Title Variant titles Series title Number within series ... annotator_original_language annotator_publisher annotator_place_pub annotator_country annotator_title Link to digitised book annotated Type of resource created_at annotator_genre
0 014603046 Yates, William Joseph H. person [Yates, William Joseph H. [person] , Y, W. J.... The Canadian farmer. A missionary incident [Si... ... NONE London enk The Canadian farmer. A missionary incident [Si... True 0 2020-08-11 14:30:33 0
1 014603046 Yates, William Joseph H. person [Yates, William Joseph H. [person] , Y, W. J.... The Canadian farmer. A missionary incident [Si... ... NONE London enk The Canadian farmer. A missionary incident [Si... True 0 2021-04-15 09:53:23 0
2 014603046 Yates, William Joseph H. person [Yates, William Joseph H. [person] , Y, W. J.... The Canadian farmer. A missionary incident [Si... ... NONE London enk The Canadian farmer. A missionary incident [Si... True 0 2020-09-24 14:27:54 0

3 rows × 46 columns

We have some familiar methods from pandas available to us

ddf = ddf.drop_duplicates(subset="Title")

As an example of something that would be a bit tricky in datasets, we can see how to groupby the mean title length by year of publication. First we create a new column for title length

ddf["title_len"] = ddf["Title"].map(lambda x: len(x))

We can then groupby the date of publication

grouped = ddf.groupby("Date of publication")

and then calculate the mean title_len

mean_title_len = grouped["title_len"].mean()

To actually compute this value we call the compute method

Date of publication
1635    248.0
1637     67.0
1695     63.0
1765     86.0
1769     20.0
1905    141.0
1906    225.0
1907    142.0
1910     65.0
1979     43.0
Name: title_len, Length: 124, dtype: float64

We can also create a plot in the usual way

<AxesSubplot:xlabel='Date of publication'>
<Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>

This was a very quick overview. The dask docs go into much more detail as do the Hugging Face datasets docs.