Training an object detection model using Hugging Face

Training a Detr object detection model using Hugging Face transformers and datasets

Daniel van Strien


August 16, 2022

Training a Detr object detection model using Hugging Face transformers and datasets

The Hugging Face transformers library has increasingly expanded from its original focus on Natural Language Processing tasks to include more models covering a range of computer vision tasks. This blog post will look at how we can train an object detection model using the Hugging Face transformers and datasets libraries.

What is object detection?

Object detection is the task of predicting objects contained within an image.

Object detection can be helpful in several applications where you want to know not only whether a thing is in an image but where (and how many) of that thing there are. Various approaches have been developed over the years for this task, often relying on various complex hand-crafted features.

As with other areas of computer vision, there has been an increasing adoption of transformer-based solutions to this task. One model using transformers is the Detr architecture.

What is Detr?

Diagram of the DETR architecture

Detr (DEtection TRansformer) is a model architecture introduced in the paper End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers. We won’t dig into the architecture in massive detail in this blog since we’re focused on the practical use of this model architecture in this post. One thing that is important to note here is that DETR still uses a CNN backbone. More recently, other models such as YOLOS use a transformer backbone too. Currently, however, these fully transformer-based approaches show some performance gap over more traditional techniques (because this is deep learning, ‘traditional’ refers to stuff from last year, of course).

Using Hugging Face for object detection

There are existing examples for using the Hugging Face transformers library and datasets with the Trainer class to do image classification. There are also example notebooks showing how to fine-tune a Detr model on custom data. However, I didn’t find examples that use the datasets library and the Trainer class to manage training. Training an object detection model using datasets and the transformers library is what this blog post covers.

Why the datasets library?

You may ask why it is helpful to provide an example of using the datasets library for training an object detection model, i.e. why not use PyTorch for the data loading, which already has many examples for training object detection models?

There are a few reasons why trying to use datasets for this can be helpful. A significant one for me is the close integration between the datasets library and the Hugging Face datasets hub. Loading a dataset from the hugging face hub often involves two lines of code (including the imports).

Quickly loading a dataset and then using the same library to prepare the dataset for training an object detection model removes some friction. This becomes especially helpful when you are iterating on the process of creating training data, training a model, and creating more training data. In this iterative process, the hub can be used for storing models and datasets at each stage. Having a clear provenance of these changes (without relying on additional tools) is also a benefit of this workflow. This is the kind of pipeline hugit is intended to support (in this case, for image classification models).

Scope of this blog post

At the moment, this is mainly intended to give a quick overview of the steps involved. It isn’t intended to be a proper tutorial. If I have time later, I may flesh this out (particularly if other projects I’m working on that use object detection progress further).

Enough talk, let’s get started. First we install required libraries.

!pip install datasets transformers timm wandb rich[jupyter]

I’m a big fan of the rich library so almost always have this extension loaded.

%load_ext rich

The next couple of lines gets us authenticated with the Hugging Face hub.

!git config --global credential.helper store
from huggingface_hub import notebook_login
Login successful
Your token has been saved to /root/.huggingface/token

We’ll use Weights and Biases for tracking our model training.

import wandb
%env WANDB_PROJECT=chapbooks
%env WANDB_ENTITY=davanstrien

Loading the dataset

In this blog post will use a dataset being added to the Hugging Face datasets hub as part of the BigLAM hackathon. This dataset has a configuration for object detection and image classification, so we’ll need to specify which one we want. Since the dataset doesn’t define train/test/valid splits for us, we’ll grab the training split. I won’t provide a full description of the dataset in this blog post since the dataset is still in the process of being documented. The tl;dr summary is that the dataset includes images of digitized books with bounding boxes for illustrations.

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset(
    "biglam/nls_chapbook_illustrations", "illustration-detection", split="train"
Reusing dataset nls_chapbook_illustrations (/Users/dvanstrien/.cache/huggingface/datasets/biglam___nls_chapbook_illustrations/illustration-detection/1.0.0/75f355eb0ba564ef120939a78730eb187a4d3eb682e987ed1f682a5bea5466eb)

Let’s take a look at one example from this dataset to get a sense of how the data looks

    'image_id': 4,
    'image': <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size=600x1080 at 0x7FDD6504FAD0>,
    'width': 600,
    'height': 1080,
    'url': None,
    'date_captured': '',
    'objects': [
            'category_id': 0,
            'image_id': '4',
            'id': 1,
            'area': 110901,
            'bbox': [34.529998779296875, 556.8300170898438, 401.44000244140625, 276.260009765625],
            'segmentation': [
            'iscrowd': False

You will see we hav some metadata for the image, the image itself and the field objects contains the annotations themselves. Looking just at an example of the annotations:

# hide_output
    "category_id": 0,
    "image_id": "4",
    "id": 1,
    "area": 110901,
    "bbox": [
    "segmentation": [
    "iscrowd": False,
{'category_id': 0,
 'image_id': '4',
 'id': 1,
 'area': 110901,
 'bbox': [34.529998779296875,
 'segmentation': [[34.529998779296875,
 'iscrowd': False}

We see here, that we again have some metadata for each image. We also have a category_id and a bbox. Some of these fields should look familiar to you if you are familiar with the coco format. This will become relevant later, so don’t worry if these aren’t familiar to you.

One issue we can run into when training object detection models is stray bounding boxes (i.e. ones where the bounding boxes stretch beyond the edge of the image). We can check and remove these quite easily. This is some ugly code/there is probably a better way, but this is a quick check, so I’ll forgive myself.

from import tqdm
remove_idx = []
for idx, row in tqdm(enumerate(dataset)):
    objects_ = row["objects"]
    for ob in objects_:
        bbox = ob["bbox"]
        negative = [box for box in bbox if box < 0]
        if negative:
keep = [i for i in range(len(dataset)) if i not in remove_idx]

The above code has given us a list of indexes to keep so we use the select method to grab those.

dataset =

We also create a test split. If we were properly doing this we’d likely want to be a bit more thoughfull about how to do this split.

dataset = dataset.train_test_split(0.1)

Preparing the data

This section of the blog post is the bit which focuses on getting data ready for an object detection model such as detr via the datasets library. This is, therefore, also the section which will differ most from the other examples showing how to train models using PyTorch data loaders.

The Feature Extractor

If you are familiar with Hugging Face for natural language tasks, you are probably familiar with using Tokenizer_for_blah_model when pre-processing text. Often if you are using a pre-trained model, you will use AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained, passing in the ID to the model you want to fine-tune. This tokenizer then ensures that the tokenization matches the approach used for the pre-trained model.

The Feature Extractor performs a similar task. Let’s look at this more closely. We’ll use a pre-trained model for this example and fine-tune it. I also include commented-out code, which shows how you could use the same process with any CNN backbone. This may be useful if you have particular requirements about what backbone to use or if you have a CNN backbone that is already fine-tuned on your domain.

model_checkpoint = "facebook/detr-resnet-50"
from transformers import DetrFeatureExtractor

feature_extractor = DetrFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint)

If you wanted to use a different CNN backbone as your starting point you would instead define a config.

# from transformers import DetrConfig
# from transformers import DetrFeatureExtractor
# feature_extractor = DetrFeatureExtractor()

What does the feature extractor do?

To check what feature extractor does we can make use of the handy inspect function

from rich import inspect
# collapse_show
inspect(feature_extractor, methods=True, dunder=True)
╭─ DetrFeatureExtractor {   "do_normalize": true,   "do_resize": true,   "feature_extractor_type": "DetrFeatureEx─╮
 def (images: Union[PIL.Image.Image, numpy.ndarray, ForwardRef('torch.Tensor'), List[PIL.Image.Image],           
 List[numpy.ndarray], List[ForwardRef('torch.Tensor')]], annotations: Union[List[Dict], List[List[Dict]]] =      
 None, return_segmentation_masks: Union[bool, NoneType] = False, masks_path: Union[pathlib.Path, NoneType] =     
 None, pad_and_return_pixel_mask: Union[bool, NoneType] = True, return_tensors: Union[str,                       
 transformers.utils.generic.TensorType, NoneType] = None, **kwargs) ->                                           
 Constructs a DETR feature extractor.                                                                            
                _auto_class = None                                                                               
                   __dict__ = {                                                                                  
                                  '_processor_class': None,                                                      
                                  'feature_extractor_type': 'DetrFeatureExtractor',                              
                                  'format': 'coco_detection',                                                    
                                  'do_resize': True,                                                             
                                  'size': 800,                                                                   
                                  'max_size': 1333,                                                              
                                  'do_normalize': True,                                                          
                                  'image_mean': [0.485, 0.456, 0.406],                                           
                                  'image_std': [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]                                             
               do_normalize = True                                                                               
                  do_resize = True                                                                               
                    __doc__ = '\n    Constructs a DETR feature extractor.\n\n    This feature extractor inherits 
                              from [`FeatureExtractionMixin`] which contains most of the main methods. Users\n   
                              should refer to this superclass for more information regarding those               
                              methods.\n\n\n    Args:\n        format (`str`, *optional*, defaults to            
                              `"coco_detection"`):\n            Data format of the annotations. One of           
                              "coco_detection" or "coco_panoptic".\n        do_resize (`bool`, *optional*,       
                              defaults to `True`):\n            Whether to resize the input to a certain         
                              `size`.\n        size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 800):\n            Resize    
                              the input to the given size. Only has an effect if `do_resize` is set to `True`.   
                              If size is a\n            sequence like `(width, height)`, output size will be     
                              matched to this. If size is an int, smaller edge of\n            the image will be 
                              matched to this number. i.e, if `height > width`, then image will be rescaled to   
                              `(size *\n            height / width, size)`.\n        max_size (`int`,            
                              *optional*, defaults to `1333`):\n            The largest size an image dimension  
                              can have (otherwise it\'s capped). Only has an effect if `do_resize` is\n          
                              set to `True`.\n        do_normalize (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):\n   
                              Whether or not to normalize the input with mean and standard deviation.\n          
                              image_mean (`int`, *optional*, defaults to `[0.485, 0.456, 0.406]`):\n             
                              The sequence of means for each channel, to be used when normalizing images.        
                              Defaults to the ImageNet mean.\n        image_std (`int`, *optional*, defaults to  
                              `[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]`):\n            The sequence of standard deviations for     
                              each channel, to be used when normalizing images. Defaults to the\n                
                              ImageNet std.\n    '                                                               
     feature_extractor_type = 'DetrFeatureExtractor'                                                             
                     format = 'coco_detection'                                                                   
                 image_mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]                                                              
                  image_std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]                                                              
                   max_size = 1333                                                                               
          model_input_names = ['pixel_values', 'pixel_mask']                                                     
                 __module__ = 'transformers.models.detr.feature_extraction_detr'                                 
           _processor_class = None                                                                               
                       size = 800                                                                                
                __weakref__ = None                                                                               
                   __call__ = def __call__(images: Union[PIL.Image.Image, numpy.ndarray,                         
                              ForwardRef('torch.Tensor'), List[PIL.Image.Image], List[numpy.ndarray],            
                              List[ForwardRef('torch.Tensor')]], annotations: Union[List[Dict],                  
                              List[List[Dict]]] = None, return_segmentation_masks: Union[bool, NoneType] =       
                              False, masks_path: Union[pathlib.Path, NoneType] = None,                           
                              pad_and_return_pixel_mask: Union[bool, NoneType] = True, return_tensors:           
                              Union[str, transformers.utils.generic.TensorType, NoneType] = None, **kwargs) ->   
                              Main method to prepare for the model one or several image(s) and optional          
                              annotations. Images are by default                                                 
                              padded up to the largest image in a batch, and a pixel mask is created that        
                              indicates which pixels are                                                         
                              real/which are padding.                                                            
                center_crop = def center_crop(image, size):                                                      
                              Crops `image` to the given size using a center crop. Note that if the image is too 
                              small to be cropped to the                                                         
                              size given, it will be padded (so the returned result has the size asked).         
                  __class__ = class __class__(format='coco_detection', do_resize=True, size=800, max_size=1333,  
                              do_normalize=True, image_mean=None, image_std=None, **kwargs): Constructs a DETR   
                              feature extractor.                                                                 
  convert_coco_poly_to_mask = def convert_coco_poly_to_mask(segmentations, height, width):                       
                convert_rgb = def convert_rgb(image): Converts `PIL.Image.Image` to RGB format.                  
        _create_or_get_repo = def _create_or_get_repo(repo_path_or_name: Union[str, NoneType] = None, repo_url:  
                              Union[str, NoneType] = None, organization: Union[str, NoneType] = None, private:   
                              bool = None, use_auth_token: Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None) ->                 
                __delattr__ = def __delattr__(name, /): Implement delattr(self, name).                           
                    __dir__ = def __dir__(): Default dir() implementation.                                       
   _ensure_format_supported = def _ensure_format_supported(image):                                               
                     __eq__ = def __eq__(value, /): Return self==value.                                          
                expand_dims = def expand_dims(image): Expands 2-dimensional `image` to 3 dimensions.             
                 __format__ = def __format__(format_spec, /): Default object formatter.                          
                  from_dict = def from_dict(feature_extractor_dict: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) ->                 
                              Instantiates a type of [`~feature_extraction_utils.FeatureExtractionMixin`] from a 
                              Python dictionary of                                                               
             from_json_file = def from_json_file(json_file: Union[str, os.PathLike]) ->                          
                              Instantiates a feature extractor of type                                           
                              [`~feature_extraction_utils.FeatureExtractionMixin`] from the path to              
                              a JSON file of parameters.                                                         
            from_pretrained = def from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path: Union[str, os.PathLike],        
                              **kwargs) -> ForwardRef('SequenceFeatureExtractor'):                               
                              Instantiate a type of [`~feature_extraction_utils.FeatureExtractionMixin`] from a  
                              feature extractor, *e.g.* a                                                        
                              derived class of [`SequenceFeatureExtractor`].                                     
                     __ge__ = def __ge__(value, /): Return self>=value.                                          
 get_feature_extractor_dict = def get_feature_extractor_dict(pretrained_model_name_or_path: Union[str,           
                              os.PathLike], **kwargs) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]:                  
                              From a `pretrained_model_name_or_path`, resolve to a dictionary of parameters, to  
                              be used for instantiating a                                                        
                              feature extractor of type [`~feature_extraction_utils.FeatureExtractionMixin`]     
                              using `from_dict`.                                                                 
    _get_repo_url_from_name = def _get_repo_url_from_name(repo_name: str, organization: Union[str, NoneType] =   
                              None, private: bool = None, use_auth_token: Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None) ->  
           __getattribute__ = def __getattribute__(name, /): Return getattr(self, name).                         
                     __gt__ = def __gt__(value, /): Return self>value.                                           
                   __hash__ = def __hash__(): Return hash(self).                                                 
                   __init__ = def __init__(format='coco_detection', do_resize=True, size=800, max_size=1333,     
                              do_normalize=True, image_mean=None, image_std=None, **kwargs): Set elements of     
                              `kwargs` as attributes.                                                            
          __init_subclass__ = def __init_subclass__(...) This method is called when a class is subclassed.       
           _is_valid_format = def _is_valid_format(format):                                                      
                     __le__ = def __le__(value, /): Return self<=value.                                          
                     __lt__ = def __lt__(value, /): Return self<value.                                           
               _max_by_axis = def _max_by_axis(the_list):                                                        
                     __ne__ = def __ne__(value, /): Return self!=value.                                          
                    __new__ = def __new__(*args, **kwargs): Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for  
                              accurate signature.                                                                
                 _normalize = def _normalize(image, mean, std, target=None): Normalize the image with a certain  
                              mean and std.                                                                      
                  normalize = def normalize(image, mean, std):                                                   
                              Normalizes `image` with `mean` and `std`. Note that this will trigger a conversion 
                              of `image` to a NumPy array                                                        
                              if it's a PIL Image.                                                               
  pad_and_create_pixel_mask = def pad_and_create_pixel_mask(pixel_values_list: List[ForwardRef('torch.Tensor')], 
                              return_tensors: Union[str, transformers.utils.generic.TensorType, NoneType] =      
                              None): Pad images up to the largest image in a batch and create a corresponding    
               post_process = def post_process(outputs, target_sizes):                                           
                              Converts the output of [`DetrForObjectDetection`] into the format expected by the  
                              COCO api. Only supports                                                            
      post_process_instance = def post_process_instance(results, outputs, orig_target_sizes, max_target_sizes,   
                              Converts the output of [`DetrForSegmentation`] into actual instance segmentation   
                              predictions. Only supports                                                         
      post_process_panoptic = def post_process_panoptic(outputs, processed_sizes, target_sizes=None,             
                              is_thing_map=None, threshold=0.85): Converts the output of [`DetrForSegmentation`] 
                              into actual panoptic predictions. Only supports PyTorch.                           
  post_process_segmentation = def post_process_segmentation(outputs, target_sizes, threshold=0.9,                
                              mask_threshold=0.5): Converts the output of [`DetrForSegmentation`] into image     
                              segmentation predictions. Only supports PyTorch.                                   
                    prepare = def prepare(image, target, return_segmentation_masks=False, masks_path=None):      
     prepare_coco_detection = def prepare_coco_detection(image, target, return_segmentation_masks=False):        
                              Convert the target in COCO format into the format expected by DETR.                
      prepare_coco_panoptic = def prepare_coco_panoptic(image, target, masks_path, return_masks=True):           
               _push_to_hub = def _push_to_hub(repo: huggingface_hub.repository.Repository, commit_message:      
                              Union[str, NoneType] = None) -> str:                                               
                push_to_hub = def push_to_hub(repo_path_or_name: Union[str, NoneType] = None, repo_url:          
                              Union[str, NoneType] = None, use_temp_dir: bool = False, commit_message:           
                              Union[str, NoneType] = None, organization: Union[str, NoneType] = None, private:   
                              Union[bool, NoneType] = None, use_auth_token: Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None,   
                              **model_card_kwargs) -> str:                                                       
                              Upload the feature extractor file to the 🤗 Model Hub while synchronizing a local  
                              clone of the repo in                                                               
                 __reduce__ = def __reduce__(): Helper for pickle.                                               
              __reduce_ex__ = def __reduce_ex__(protocol, /): Helper for pickle.                                 
    register_for_auto_class = def register_for_auto_class(auto_class='AutoFeatureExtractor'):                    
                              Register this class with a given auto class. This should only be used for custom   
                              feature extractors as the ones                                                     
                              in the library are already mapped with `AutoFeatureExtractor`.                     
                   __repr__ = def __repr__(): Return repr(self).                                                 
                    _resize = def _resize(image, size, target=None, max_size=None):                              
                              Resize the image to the given size. Size can be min_size (scalar) or (w, h) tuple. 
                              If size is an int, smaller                                                         
                              edge of the image will be matched to this number.                                  
                     resize = def resize(image, size, resample=2, default_to_square=True, max_size=None):        
                              Resizes `image`. Enforces conversion of input to PIL.Image.                        
            save_pretrained = def save_pretrained(save_directory: Union[str, os.PathLike], push_to_hub: bool =   
                              False, **kwargs):                                                                  
                              Save a feature_extractor object to the directory `save_directory`, so that it can  
                              be re-loaded using the                                                             
                              [`~feature_extraction_utils.FeatureExtractionMixin.from_pretrained`] class method. 
       _set_processor_class = def _set_processor_class(processor_class: str): Sets processor class as an         
                __setattr__ = def __setattr__(name, value, /): Implement setattr(self, name, value).             
                 __sizeof__ = def __sizeof__(): Size of object in memory, in bytes.                              
                    __str__ = def __str__(): Return str(self).                                                   
           __subclasshook__ = def __subclasshook__(...) Abstract classes can override this to customize          
                    to_dict = def to_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]: Serializes this instance to a Python dictionary.  
               to_json_file = def to_json_file(json_file_path: Union[str, os.PathLike]): Save this instance to a 
                              JSON file.                                                                         
             to_json_string = def to_json_string() -> str: Serializes this instance to a JSON string.            
             to_numpy_array = def to_numpy_array(image, rescale=None, channel_first=True):                       
                              Converts `image` to a numpy array. Optionally rescales it and puts the channel     
                              dimension as the first                                                             
               to_pil_image = def to_pil_image(image, rescale=None):                                             
                              Converts `image` to a PIL Image. Optionally rescales it and puts the channel       
                              dimension back as the last axis if                                                 

The output of inspect can be pretty verbose, but I often find this a handy tool for quickly trying to work out a new library of API.

We’ll look at the most critical parts in more detail, but I’ll point out a few things; you’ll see some attributes that will probably sound familiar.

image_mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]                                                              
image_std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]          

These are the mean and standard deviation used during the model training. It’s essential when we’re doing inference or fine-tuning to replicate these, and having these all stored inside a feature_extractor means we don’t have to go poking around in papers to try and work out what these values should be.

Another thing to point out is the push_to_hub method. We can store feature_extractors in the hub just as we can store models and tokenizers. Having to track the appropriate pre-processing steps for an image manually is super annoying to do manually. Storing this as we do other model components is much simpler and helps avoid errors resulting from tracing these things by hand.

The __call__ method for the DetrFeatureExtractor is what we’ll use to prepare our images before we pass them into the model, let’s dig more closely into this.

╭─ <bound method DetrFeatureExtractor.__call__ of DetrFeatureExtractor {   "do_normalize": true,   "do_resize": t─╮
 def DetrFeatureExtractor.__call__(images: Union[PIL.Image.Image, numpy.ndarray, ForwardRef('torch.Tensor'),     
 List[PIL.Image.Image], List[numpy.ndarray], List[ForwardRef('torch.Tensor')]], annotations: Union[List[Dict],   
 List[List[Dict]]] = None, return_segmentation_masks: Union[bool, NoneType] = False, masks_path:                 
 Union[pathlib.Path, NoneType] = None, pad_and_return_pixel_mask: Union[bool, NoneType] = True, return_tensors:  
 Union[str, transformers.utils.generic.TensorType, NoneType] = None, **kwargs) ->                                
 Main method to prepare for the model one or several image(s) and optional annotations. Images are by default    
 padded up to the largest image in a batch, and a pixel mask is created that indicates which pixels are          
 real/which are padding.                                                                                         
 27 attribute(s) not shown. Run inspect(inspect) for options.                                                    

Understanding what the __call__ method expected, and how to make sure that is what’s delivered by the datasets library is the key thing I needed to work out. What does it expect:

  • images: this can be a list or a single image (and stored in different formats)
  • annotations this should be of type Union[List[Dict],││ List[List[Dict]]].

The images part is not too tricky to understand. We can either pass in a single image, a NumPy array representing an image or a list of images or NumPy arrays.

The annotations part is where Python type annotations don’t always do us many favours since we only know we’re expecting a list of dictionaries, but we can safely assume those dictionaries probably need to have a particular format. We can try and see what happens if we pass in an image and a list of a random dictionary.

import io

import requests
from PIL import Image
im =

labels = [
        "bbox": [
feature_extractor(im, labels)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [23], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 feature_extractor(im, labels)

File /usr/local/Caskroom/miniforge/base/envs/blog/lib/python3.9/site-packages/transformers/models/detr/, in DetrFeatureExtractor.__call__(self, images, annotations, return_segmentation_masks, masks_path, pad_and_return_pixel_mask, return_tensors, **kwargs)
    521                         valid_annotations = True
    523     if not valid_annotations:
--> 524         raise ValueError(
    525             """
    526             Annotations must of type `Dict` (single image) or `List[Dict]` (batch of images). In case of object
    527             detection, each dictionary should contain the keys 'image_id' and 'annotations', with the latter
    528             being a list of annotations in COCO format. In case of panoptic segmentation, each dictionary
    529             should contain the keys 'file_name', 'image_id' and 'segments_info', with the latter being a list
    530             of annotations in COCO format.
    531             """
    532         )
    534 # Check that masks_path has a valid type
    535 if masks_path is not None:

                    Annotations must of type `Dict` (single image) or `List[Dict]` (batch of images). In case of object
                    detection, each dictionary should contain the keys 'image_id' and 'annotations', with the latter
                    being a list of annotations in COCO format. In case of panoptic segmentation, each dictionary
                    should contain the keys 'file_name', 'image_id' and 'segments_info', with the latter being a list
                    of annotations in COCO format.

We can see that this raises a ValueError. We also get some more information here that gives us a clue where we went wrong. Specifically we can see that the annotations for a single image should be a Dict or List[Dict] if we’re using a batch of images. We also see that we should pass in this data in the COCO format. Since our data is already in this format we should be able to pass in an example.

image = dataset["train"][0]["image"]

annotations = dataset["train"][0]["objects"]
        'category_id': 0,
        'image_id': '8081',
        'id': 646,
        'area': 114552,
        'bbox': [81.0, 408.0, 387.0, 296.0],
        'segmentation': [[81.0, 408.0, 468.0, 408.0, 468.0, 704.0, 81.0, 704.0]],
        'iscrowd': False
feature_extractor(images=image, annotations=annotations, return_tensors="pt")
╭─────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ────────────────────────────────╮
 /var/folders/tj/54sfzlyj6_573fn82y996grc0000gr/T/ipykernel_47936/ in <cell line:  
 [Errno 2] No such file or directory:                                                             
 r/ in __call__                                                     
   521 │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   valid_annotations = True                                   
   522 │   │   │                                                                                  
   523 │   │   │   if not valid_annotations:                                                      
 524 │   │   │   │   raise ValueError(                                                          
   525 │   │   │   │   │   """                                                                    
   526 │   │   │   │   │   Annotations must of type `Dict` (single image) or `List[Dict]` (batc   
   527 │   │   │   │   │   detection, each dictionary should contain the keys 'image_id' and 'a   
                    Annotations must of type `Dict` (single image) or `List[Dict]` (batch of images). In case of 
                    detection, each dictionary should contain the keys 'image_id' and 'annotations', with the 
                    being a list of annotations in COCO format. In case of panoptic segmentation, each dictionary
                    should contain the keys 'file_name', 'image_id' and 'segments_info', with the latter being a 
                    of annotations in COCO format.

Oh no! It still doesn’t work. At this point, it’s we probably either want to dig into the source code to work out what we should be passing to the feature_extractor. The relevant function is def prepare_coco_detection.

We also have another tutorial to consult. In this tutorial we see that the annotations are stored in a dictionary target with the keys image_id and annotations.

target = {'image_id': image_id, 'annotations': target}
encoding = self.feature_extractor(images=img, annotations=target, return_tensors="pt")

With a bit more wrangling let’s see if this works.

target = {"image_id": 4, "annotations": annotations}
feature_extractor(images=image, annotations=target, return_tensors="pt")
    'pixel_values': tensor([[[[-0.7650, -0.9705, -0.9705,  ..., -1.4158, -1.3815, -1.3815],
          [-0.7822, -0.9020, -0.9020,  ..., -1.3815, -1.3644, -1.4500],
          [-0.8164, -0.9020, -0.9192,  ..., -1.3815, -1.3815, -1.4500],
          [ 1.5297,  1.5639,  1.5810,  ...,  1.4612,  1.4612,  1.4783],
          [ 1.5125,  1.5297,  1.5468,  ...,  1.4783,  1.4783,  1.4954],
          [ 1.4954,  1.5125,  1.5125,  ...,  1.5125,  1.5125,  1.5297]],

         [[-0.6527, -0.8627, -0.8627,  ..., -1.3179, -1.2829, -1.2829],
          [-0.7052, -0.8102, -0.8277,  ..., -1.3004, -1.2829, -1.3704],
          [-0.7402, -0.8102, -0.8277,  ..., -1.3529, -1.3529, -1.4405],
          [ 1.5357,  1.5707,  1.5882,  ...,  1.3957,  1.3957,  1.4132],
          [ 1.5182,  1.5357,  1.5532,  ...,  1.4132,  1.4132,  1.4307],
          [ 1.5007,  1.5182,  1.5182,  ...,  1.4482,  1.4482,  1.4657]],

         [[-0.4275, -0.6367, -0.6367,  ..., -1.1073, -1.0898, -1.0898],
          [-0.4624, -0.5670, -0.5844,  ..., -1.1247, -1.1247, -1.2119],
          [-0.5147, -0.6018, -0.6193,  ..., -1.2293, -1.2467, -1.3339],
          [ 1.4548,  1.4897,  1.5071,  ...,  1.3154,  1.3154,  1.3328],
          [ 1.4374,  1.4548,  1.4722,  ...,  1.3328,  1.3328,  1.3502],
          [ 1.4200,  1.4374,  1.4374,  ...,  1.3677,  1.3677,  1.3851]]]]),
    'pixel_mask': tensor([[[1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1],
         [1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1],
         [1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1],
         [1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1],
         [1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1],
         [1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1]]]),
    'labels': [
            'boxes': tensor([[0.4575, 0.5120, 0.6450, 0.2726]]),
            'class_labels': tensor([0]),
            'image_id': tensor([4]),
            'area': tensor([172346.9688]),
            'iscrowd': tensor([0]),
            'orig_size': tensor([1086,  600]),
            'size': tensor([1332,  736])

This is looking more like it! Now we have one example working we can translate this to a function that can prepare a batch into the same format.

Since we get a batch at a time we might need to refactor things slightly. In this example I’ve just grabbed the relevant lists for the images, image_id and annotations. We then use a list compression to store these in the dictionary format expected by the feature_extractor.

def transform(example_batch):
    images = example_batch["image"]
    ids_ = example_batch["image_id"]
    objects = example_batch["objects"]
    targets = [
        {"image_id": id_, "annotations": object_} for id_, object_ in zip(ids_, objects)
    return feature_extractor(images=images, annotations=targets, return_tensors="pt")

We could apply this to our data using map but it often makes more sense to applay these on the fly using the with_transform method.

dataset["train"] = dataset["train"].with_transform(transform)

Let’s take a look at an example

    'pixel_values': tensor([[[-0.7650, -0.9705, -0.9705,  ..., -1.4158, -1.3815, -1.3815],
         [-0.7822, -0.9020, -0.9020,  ..., -1.3815, -1.3644, -1.4500],
         [-0.8164, -0.9020, -0.9192,  ..., -1.3815, -1.3815, -1.4500],
         [ 1.5297,  1.5639,  1.5810,  ...,  1.4612,  1.4612,  1.4783],
         [ 1.5125,  1.5297,  1.5468,  ...,  1.4783,  1.4783,  1.4954],
         [ 1.4954,  1.5125,  1.5125,  ...,  1.5125,  1.5125,  1.5297]],

        [[-0.6527, -0.8627, -0.8627,  ..., -1.3179, -1.2829, -1.2829],
         [-0.7052, -0.8102, -0.8277,  ..., -1.3004, -1.2829, -1.3704],
         [-0.7402, -0.8102, -0.8277,  ..., -1.3529, -1.3529, -1.4405],
         [ 1.5357,  1.5707,  1.5882,  ...,  1.3957,  1.3957,  1.4132],
         [ 1.5182,  1.5357,  1.5532,  ...,  1.4132,  1.4132,  1.4307],
         [ 1.5007,  1.5182,  1.5182,  ...,  1.4482,  1.4482,  1.4657]],

        [[-0.4275, -0.6367, -0.6367,  ..., -1.1073, -1.0898, -1.0898],
         [-0.4624, -0.5670, -0.5844,  ..., -1.1247, -1.1247, -1.2119],
         [-0.5147, -0.6018, -0.6193,  ..., -1.2293, -1.2467, -1.3339],
         [ 1.4548,  1.4897,  1.5071,  ...,  1.3154,  1.3154,  1.3328],
         [ 1.4374,  1.4548,  1.4722,  ...,  1.3328,  1.3328,  1.3502],
         [ 1.4200,  1.4374,  1.4374,  ...,  1.3677,  1.3677,  1.3851]]]),
    'pixel_mask': tensor([[1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1,  ..., 1, 1, 1]]),
    'labels': {
        'boxes': tensor([[0.4575, 0.5120, 0.6450, 0.2726]]),
        'class_labels': tensor([0]),
        'image_id': tensor([8081]),
        'area': tensor([172346.9688]),
        'iscrowd': tensor([0]),
        'orig_size': tensor([1086,  600]),
        'size': tensor([1332,  736])

The next thing we need to take care of is a collate function. ‘Data collators are objects that will form a batch by using a list of dataset elements as input. These elements are of the same type as the elements of train_dataset or eval_dataset.’ source.

def collate_fn(batch):
    pixel_values = [item["pixel_values"] for item in batch]
    encoding = feature_extractor.pad_and_create_pixel_mask(
        pixel_values, return_tensors="pt"
    labels = [item["labels"] for item in batch]
    batch = {} # collated batch  
    batch['pixel_values'] = encoding['pixel_values']
    batch["pixel_mask"] = encoding["pixel_mask"]
    batch["labels"] = labels
    return batch

Creating a detr model

Avoiding ambiguous labels

We’re almost at the point where we can start training the model. We just do a little bit of housekeeping to make sure our model knows what our encoded labels are. It’s super annoying when you are trying a model out on the Hugging Face Hub and you get back labels, 0 or 3 with no clue what these labels refer to. We can avoid this by telling our model what labels we have. This mapping will then be bundled with the model when we push it to the hub.

id2label = dict(enumerate(dataset["train"].features["objects"][0]["category_id"].names))
label2id = {v: k for k, v in id2label.items()}
{'early_printed_illustration': 0}

Now we can create the DetrForObjectDetection model. This should all look familiar if you’ve used transformers for other tasks.

from transformers import DetrForObjectDetection

model = DetrForObjectDetection.from_pretrained(
Downloading: "" to /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/resnet50_a1_0-14fe96d1.pth
Some weights of DetrForObjectDetection were not initialized from the model checkpoint at facebook/detr-resnet-50 and are newly initialized because the shapes did not match:
- class_labels_classifier.weight: found shape torch.Size([92, 256]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([2, 256]) in the model instantiated
- class_labels_classifier.bias: found shape torch.Size([92]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([2]) in the model instantiated
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.

If you wanted to use another backbone you could do something like:

# from transformers import DetrForObjectDetection

# config = DetrConfig(backbone='regnetz_e8',id2label=id2label, label2id=label2id)
# model = DetrForObjectDetection(config)

Training the detr model

We now specify our TrainingArguments

from transformers import TrainingArguments

training_args = TrainingArguments(

and create our Trainer

from transformers import Trainer

trainer = Trainer(
Cloning into local empty directory.
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/transformers/ FutureWarning: This implementation of AdamW is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use the PyTorch implementation torch.optim.AdamW instead, or set `no_deprecation_warning=True` to disable this warning
***** Running training *****
  Num examples = 6531
  Num Epochs = 10
  Instantaneous batch size per device = 8
  Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 8
  Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
  Total optimization steps = 8170
Automatic Weights & Biases logging enabled, to disable set os.environ["WANDB_DISABLED"] = "true"
Changes to your `wandb` environment variables will be ignored because your `wandb` session has already started. For more information on how to modify your settings with `wandb.init()` arguments, please refer to the W&B docs.
wandb: Currently logged in as: davanstrien (flyswot). Use `wandb login --relogin` to force relogin
Tracking run with wandb version 0.12.21
Run data is saved locally in /content/wandb/run-20220724_144321-sgzdksxm
[8170/8170 5:15:38, Epoch 10/10]
Step Training Loss
50 1.975700
100 3.254000
150 1.563300
200 1.103100
250 1.468000
300 1.169700
350 1.326600
400 1.413800
450 1.101600
500 1.054500
550 0.946000
600 0.871600
650 0.723600
700 0.866800
750 0.740400
800 0.753300
850 0.748900
900 0.919600
950 0.805800
1000 0.902200
1050 0.788800
1100 0.734400
1150 0.635700
1200 0.769000
1250 0.673000
1300 0.766200
1350 0.664800
1400 0.653700
1450 0.589500
1500 0.580900
1550 0.583200
1600 0.736000
1650 0.594900
1700 0.701400
1750 0.600300
1800 0.470900
1850 0.522800
1900 0.590300
1950 0.566300
2000 0.586800
2050 0.623800
2100 0.523400
2150 0.562500
2200 0.604100
2250 0.518000
2300 0.525100
2350 0.499100
2400 0.564900
2450 0.455100
2500 0.465000
2550 0.533200
2600 0.512500
2650 0.465100
2700 0.521800
2750 0.519500
2800 0.456800
2850 0.444400
2900 0.429600
2950 0.445400
3000 0.425600
3050 0.439600
3100 0.468000
3150 0.426500
3200 0.433500
3250 0.479400
3300 0.421800
3350 0.449500
3400 0.399300
3450 0.424500
3500 0.447700
3550 0.428900
3600 0.403800
3650 0.448300
3700 0.424300
3750 0.396600
3800 0.405900
3850 0.436300
3900 0.371500
3950 0.412300
4000 0.389200
4050 0.391900
4100 0.403200
4150 0.386800
4200 0.382500
4250 0.402000
4300 0.374400
4350 0.355900
4400 0.390800
4450 0.402600
4500 0.397100
4550 0.399700
4600 0.363900
4650 0.373600
4700 0.391600
4750 0.339200
4800 0.351900
4850 0.381800
4900 0.381800
4950 0.326000
5000 0.388300
5050 0.359100
5100 0.380500
5150 0.357100
5200 0.389500
5250 0.386200
5300 0.373000
5350 0.340000
5400 0.337100
5450 0.357500
5500 0.338900
5550 0.334500
5600 0.362000
5650 0.426100
5700 0.329500
5750 0.321500
5800 0.328800
5850 0.322400
5900 0.385900
5950 0.373800
6000 0.326000
6050 0.335200
6100 0.341600
6150 0.309600
6200 0.295700
6250 0.338600
6300 0.326800
6350 0.305600
6400 0.287200
6450 0.307700
6500 0.297000
6550 0.296700
6600 0.292700
6650 0.305300
6700 0.289300
6750 0.290600
6800 0.277100
6850 0.296500
6900 0.291800
6950 0.285800
7000 0.291400
7050 0.282500
7100 0.271500
7150 0.278300
7200 0.272100
7250 0.273800
7300 0.313500
7350 0.288600
7400 0.258700
7450 0.275700
7500 0.248200
7550 0.280800
7600 0.268500
7650 0.258700
7700 0.302800
7750 0.288700
7800 0.278400
7850 0.260700
7900 0.271200
7950 0.247900
8000 0.234700
8050 0.263900
8100 0.251900
8150 0.246900

Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-200
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-200/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-200/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-200/preprocessor_config.json
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/preprocessor_config.json
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-400
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-400/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-400/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-400/preprocessor_config.json
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-600
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-600/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-600/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-600/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-200] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-800
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-800/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-800/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-800/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-400] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1000
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1000/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1000/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1000/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-600] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1200
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1200/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1200/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1200/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-800] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1400
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1400/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1400/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1400/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1000] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1600
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1600/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1600/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1600/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1200] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1800
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1800/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1800/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1800/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1400] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2000
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2000/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2000/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2000/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1600] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2200
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2200/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2200/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2200/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-1800] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2400
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2400/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2400/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2400/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2000] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2600
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2600/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2600/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2600/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2200] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2800
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2800/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2800/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2800/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2400] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3000
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3000/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3000/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3000/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2600] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3200
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3200/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3200/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3200/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-2800] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3400
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3400/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3400/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3400/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3000] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3600
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3600/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3600/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3600/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3200] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3800
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3800/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3800/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3800/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3400] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4000
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4000/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4000/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4000/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3600] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4200
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4200/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4200/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4200/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-3800] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4400
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4400/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4400/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4400/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4000] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4600
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4600/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4600/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4600/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4200] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4800
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4800/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4800/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4800/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4400] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5000
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5000/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5000/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5000/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4600] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5200
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5200/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5200/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5200/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-4800] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5400
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5400/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5400/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5400/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5000] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5600
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5600/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5600/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5600/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5200] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5800
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5800/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5800/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5800/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5400] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6000
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6000/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6000/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6000/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5600] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6200
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6200/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6200/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6200/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-5800] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6400
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6400/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6400/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6400/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6000] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6600
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6600/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6600/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6600/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6200] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6800
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6800/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6800/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6800/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6400] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7000
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7000/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7000/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7000/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6600] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7200
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7200/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7200/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7200/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-6800] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7400
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7400/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7400/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7400/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7000] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7600
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7600/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7600/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7600/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7200] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7800
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7800/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7800/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7800/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7400] due to args.save_total_limit
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-8000
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-8000/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-8000/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-8000/preprocessor_config.json
Deleting older checkpoint [detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/checkpoint-7600] due to args.save_total_limit

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on =)

        'train_runtime': 18954.8014,
        'train_samples_per_second': 3.446,
        'train_steps_per_second': 0.431,
        'total_flos': 5.190134584879058e+19,
        'train_loss': 0.5031144771902768,
        'epoch': 10.0

Once we’ve finished training we can use push_to_hub to share our model on the hub.

trainer.push_to_hub("finished training")
Saving model checkpoint to detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks
Configuration saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/config.json
Model weights saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/pytorch_model.bin
Feature extractor saved in detr-resnet-50_fine_tuned_nls_chapbooks/preprocessor_config.json
Several commits (2) will be pushed upstream.
The progress bars may be unreliable.
   c94bb78..5c7b9d8  main -> main

Dropping the following result as it does not have all the necessary fields:
{'task': {'name': 'Object Detection', 'type': 'object-detection'}, 'dataset': {'name': 'nls_chapbook_illustrations', 'type': 'nls_chapbook_illustrations', 'args': 'illustration_detection'}}
   5c7b9d8..2ece586  main -> main


We’ve seen how we can use the datasets library to perform object detection. The main thing we need to work out when we’re trying to use datasets for a computer vision task in the transfortmer libraryy is how to ensure we can create a transform that gets the images and annotations into a format understood by the relevant feature_extractor. Once we’ve done this for one example we need to replicate the same thing with a batch of examples so we can use it as a transform.

One this is in place many of the same approaches to defining the model and training arguments should look very familiar. I didn’t spend much time on the training process in this post. I’ll dig into tha in a fguure post as well as covering the process of using/evaluating the model.